7/1/08 - Winnemucca, Nevada

This was a driving day - we drove 373 miles. We went through Toole on the outskirts of Salt Lake City, a place where Carolyn's family lived for 3 years during World War II. Some of them worked at the ordinance depot there. She took some pictures there to see if her mother still recognized the place. We also went to a brewpub there where we tasted the beers for free. We drove by the Morton salt plant and Bonneville Salt Flats. We checked into the Model T Resort Casino RV Park in Winnemucca, Nevada. They gave us coupons for free drinks and $1.oo in nickels for the slot machines. We drank the drinks and fed the nickels into the slot machines. Carolyn put another dollar in a slot machine and won $1.80. She cashed out while she was ahead.

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